Thursday, October 27, 2016

My Bruce Boy

Beloved Bruce has left us yesterday. It was sad, but I know it's better. Cos the last I saw him, he wasn't able to walk, nor eat, nor drink on his own. He wasn't able to control his pee and poo. His eyes were filled with boogers that he wasn't able to open properly unless we clean em up.

It breaks my heart. It does.

Met with my mum yesterday, and she filled me in on the details.

3 days back, she got the vet to give him a jab, to see if we are able to save his life. Vet said, "In this 2 days, it's either he lived, or not."

2 days back, my mum asked the maid to pull him out of the cage and let him rest under the sun. He, after all, loved his sun-bathing. When she called him, he has the strength to pull his head up and looked at her. When she asked, "Are you doing better today, dear?" He reacted by pulling his head down, away from her - as in saying, no ma'am. As sad as she was, seeing his deteriorating self, mum went with the maid to take their turns to dig a hole to bury him. She knew, it's anytime soon. My dad just returned from overseas then too. He went and spoke to him. We can see he was listening. Later at night, my dad went out to gather with his friends, because it will be his birthday in a couple of hours. Mum said that Bruce was crying throughout the night. Very likely because he was in great pain. It went on till 3am. Then my dad reached home, the moment he opened the house door, mum could hear Bruce giving one last loud breath before he was gone for good.

The next morning, none of the dogs made a sound. It's although they knew what was going on. Not a single bark from them, and we didn't even need to order them to return to their cage once they have done their business. All just move on their own. Lizzy was devastated for sure. She is his partner in games and all. They spent all their time together. When we let her out her cage, she went straight into his, laid down, turned her back towards us and faced the wall. She didn't budge. She didn't even want to eat her food. She needs to mourn the loss, her way.

And it wasn't much later I realized, the same night around 2am or 3am, I don't know for sure. I was jolted awake for no reason. I only felt uncomfortable. I couldn't sleep till 30minutes to an hour later. I'm not sure if I knew, deep inside, he has left. Or it's just a coincidence.

I cried days before when I knew he is to leave. I cried again when he has left. Losing a pet is never easy. Memories of him joining the family as a puppy, his silliness, antics, and forever with his puppy eyes even when he's old, always wanting more pets, more love.

My gentle giant, Bruce, we love you. May heaven be your dream comes true. With running space, treats. Be kind to your 3 older friends who left before you.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

A New Beginning - or more like another phase of life!

I didn't realized it been so long! In another 3 months, it will hit 2 years that I last written anything. Either shows how busy I've been with work, life or I've just been damn lazy. Heh!

It has been hectic, from moving to my own place - to prepping myself for the wedding. And yes, you read that right! JACKIE IS GETTING MARRIED!!

Happy Family!! 

I always find something to giggle about. LOL

Well technically and by law, I'm "married" since last year on Feb 13 as I've signed the papers then and there. However, you know the Chinese. We are not married unless we go through the ceremony. Well, that's what our parents say. Haha!

So wedding is coming in December - limited invitations due to space, and basically, child marriage is more for the parents to invite relatives and friends to inform of the wedding, not much for the kids to have fun themselves. So those invited, come and bring crazy fun - those that are not, fret not, we will meet soon! We ain't letting any wedding to tear us apart. But usually, work and crazy life schedules does. Ahem.

With that said, Jackie is hitched! And will be back, when I'm back. Woohoo!!