Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I just feel the need to share this, because I thought good discounts should be spread to everyone, no? :)

I heard about group discounts, where a bunch of people come together to purchase something at huge discounts. I knew it was in M'sia from my previous company, where they were in discussion to start it off. Till I found out much later that it's a concept that was being copied around the world, because it just works so well!

Check out this link for Groupon Malaysia -

Some of the current discounts that they have now are - spas, restaurants, trips, manicure/pedicure etc.

I'm just looking forward to see if they can get discounts on hiking backpacks & equipments, extreme activities (i.e. paintball, rock-climbing) - I missed out there water & sky adventure promo :( , digital / electronic gadgets... cos then it be sooo cool!!

One thing for sure, I'm pretty proud of Malaysians :) Groupon managed to secure more than RM61k from the amount donated, which were later topped by Groupon and partners - meant to help Japan.

To end this, I'm just popping up on that site to see what is in store for me next!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Job Hunting!

I am finally back into the game!! Job Hunting Game!! Woohoo!!

Though I must say, I wasn't exactly excited after looking through the amount and type of jobs in the market, be it through StarJobs or Jobstreets. But I'm applying whichever that seems right, none-the-less. I'm looking for a career, or a job that will last me through the years!

Reason 1: Lack of good Marketing jobs
I have no idea why, but Malaysians employers (or perhaps it's asians or worldwide issue) tend to mistaken marketing as a sales job! Even positions such as Business Development Executive actually are sales job!

I have been in a few jobs here and there, and I actually figured out why these jobs are given such name, instead of just plain old, Sales Executive. These employers uses the "title position" such as Business Development or Marketing Executive because they could just leave the commission part out :) Or should I say, less commission for a purely sales job.

Reason 2: Cobra companies is killing me!
Or my eyes. Or my time. I'm not exactly sure.

Sigh, as much as I understand Jobstreets just posts or uploads any company that places advertisement with them, this is extremely frustrating. I can't keep tab on how many times I had to double-check several companies over the Google because they ended up to be, Cobra Companies. And their company's names changes ALL the time, for god's sake!

I just hope that Jobstreet understands that money that these advertisers splurged on, isn't exactly everything. Or maybe they should just charge them more, since they will never cease spending on Jobstreets or any other online sites.

Reason 3: Is it me, or people have a lower expectation of their salary?
I'm turning 25 this year, and I'm expecting no less than RM3000 for my salary. But why are there people asking for less than this, even for Managerial position? I don't get it. Since I actually earns more than that for my first job, I expect for more than RM3300 now. And that is like, a small increment that I'm asking for. So, tell me again, why do people have such low expectation for their salary? Or they just do not have what it takes for the job, so they have to lower their salary expectation just to get an interview?

Reason 4: Why do some simple jobs need qualifications as minimal as Diploma or Degree?
Seriously, do you guys face this same issue? I look at some jobs, telecommunication sales or telemarketing or customers service or administration jobs, and they asked for diploma or degree, and I goes, education isn't exactly necessary in these few job areas. The skill that these applicants need is just good language, and picking up skills. As long as they can learn the product & how to sell it, as well as being able to communicate it efficiently in English, Malay or Chinese... I believe that is more than sufficient. You don't need a person who holds Diploma or Degree to talk to customers, that's for sure. At the end of the day, only their attitude matters.

As for me, all I want after these hunt is just




I'm not exactly asking for alot now, am I?

Welcome to my Life

Yeah, welcome welcome. Though I guess it's more like I'm welcoming myself into a new way to say what I want to say, or those little dialogs that going-on in my head... having a channel to put em out instead of annoying me, by repeating itself.

I'm a seriously weird person, though the word "weird" isn't exactly a favourite description among my fellow mates. They like "crazy" and "extremely loud" more. Sigh, I wonder what did I EVER did to get those terms! *okay, this fake innocence is creeping even me!*

Let's see... I have been thinking about this blog for quite a while now. What exactly do I want to blab about, how and what am I going to term my entries... And I have limitless wonders in my brain! Or perhaps it's more "over-enthusiastic" personality taking over. Hmm...

None the less, even I find myself interested to know what I had in mind. So keep in tab!