Monday, February 13, 2012

Tears of a Lost Child

She looked to her left,
Then she looked to her right.
Her fears rise up,
From her stomach to her chest,
And soon her panic hits her mind.

Her breath quicken,
Her heart-beats tripled,
Her sight became a blur,
And within seconds the dam overflows.

Frighten like a lost kitten,
Frighten like a rat caught in a trap.
Tears that started flowing
Just wouldn’t stop pouring,
Despite her silent plea,
It just kept going.

This poor child is lost,
Lost in the streets,
There were turnings to her left and right,
And even some roads to the front and back.
Yet here she stands crying,
For the lost she felt
Seems more than that of a child,
A child who lost her way in the crowd.

Her teary eyes cry silently for help,
For she tried to speak but only sobs came out.
Thus she pleads for help from a passing man,
Who notice nothings but what he will gains
Without looking at her, he said
“Fault not on me for not helping,
Fault on you for not knowing.”
She passes several more on their way
They too said the very same thing,
Telling her that it’s merely her fate
To lost her way the way she did.

With a heavy heart and a wavering strength,
She ventured on the route ahead.

She saw her loved ones at one end,
Laughing and crying at the same time
With worry lines etched unto their faces,
She knew in her broken heart
She causes them pain more than they can admit.
Unable to take the scene no more,
This teary child stumbles on.

With tears clouding her way,
She hears her companions asking around
On the path ahead and the choices they had
With courage and strength they went on ahead.
She smiled upon hearing them
Her heart silently prayed for them on their journey,
For even if she lost hers
She wouldn’t want them to lose theirs.

She lifts her feet
One ahead of another,
Threw her head back
And look toward the heavens,
Taking a deep breath
Over the passing breeze.

The tears has stopped
The heart has slowed,
She smiled knowing she has found her way.
A way which may have caused a lot of tears,
Yet she knows tears too will give way to smiles.

This lost child who has cried too many
Of tears for herself and those around her,
Her tears has stopped and though she smiled,
She knew her way will causes many to tears
But she knew these tears will not be forever.

After all, a lost child who has cried along this painful way,
Has found her way to stop her tears,
Tears has given way to smiles
For this lost child has found her way
To stop the tears from ever coming back again.

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