Thursday, January 26, 2012

Age is catching up!

I've been meaning to write blogs for days! And just earlier today, I happened to have several ideas of topics to embrace... and well well well, now that I'm right in front of this bloody laptop, all the topics slipped out of my mind. I've been thinking and scratching my head for the past 15minutes or more, but nope... so such luck.

Is this what they call "aging"? Man... I'm not even 30 yet! (Though I must say, I looked like I'm 30s and preggy when I worked in Star with all the mental stress going on, that is one sad case!). Unlike my baby sister, I know nothing or do nothing in eating nutrients or vitamins or food that helps to protect the memory or brain.

It went from bad to worse lately, when I kept grabbing the wrong things and leaving them behind when I suppose to bring it along, or literally forgets that I did anything at all! It seems as though I'm competing to be the youngest affected Parkinson's disease patient!

I do actually have a book that teaches on "how to protect your brain as you age", hardly read much into it, yet. Though the first few pages actually mention things like watch the diet and also, exercise. Exercise helps alot in keeping the brain active. And exercise is ONE damn thing that I lack. I can't seem to find any particular exercise that makes me wanna, go "Yeee haww!" or literally kills to do it. Except, of course, back in TBS with Sky Adventure gang. That's like a totally different thing. I stopped joining them for badminton for it just ends, too late for me. I like to sleep early for one.

So jogging, is a must try, to persist. I tried times and end up just giving up and rather to just, sleep in. That's quite a disappointment to myself. Which causes me to consider to go for hypnosis therapy, perhaps it may help to boost my subconscious and, in the end help my conscious! Though I can hardly find any reliable source in Malaysia, even when I read it in the papers several times... I can't find the contact anymore.

Anyone, can... help?

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